Bernard Hoover

Some time last November (1880) a mad dog came to the house of Mr. Jacob E.   
Hoover near this place (Murfreesboro) and commenced fighting with Mr.        
Hoover's dogs, whereupon Mr. Bernard Hoover, Jacob's brother, took hold of   
the mad dog in order to help his brother's dogs. He took his pocket knife    
and cut the dog's throat, but during the figt the mad dog bit him on the     
hand. The would soon cured up and he perhaps apprehended no danger, but on   
last Saturday, the 13th instant (Feb 13, 1881) he showed signs of            
hydrophobia. Doctors were called in and did all they could, but without      
avail. The writer was called in on Tuesday following, and I am ready to      
confess that I never witnessed such a scene. A young man, in good health,    
and yet raving made, had to be confined in order to heep him on his bed. He  
continued thus until about 3 o'clock that night, when he was relieved by     
death. Mr. Bernard Hoover was the son of Col. Wesley Hoover who died at      
Little Rock in 1875 while a representative from this county to the           
                              Geo. W. Logan                                  
Southern Standard, February 26, 1881, page 2, column 4.                      
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