John Davis and J.T. Parsons

On Saturday the 25th inst. (June 25, 1881) we lost two of our best farmers   
and citizens. Mr. John Davis about 79 years of age died at 12:20 o'clock     
Saturday morning after an extended illness of two months. Mr. J.T. Parsons   
son-in-law of Mr. Davis and who was there with him, went out about 4 o'clock 
in the morning to saddle his horse, intending to ride home, but finding the  
horse of Mr. R. Davis in the same stable, he proceeded to take it out and    
put it in another, and while placing the poles across the door the horse     
kicked at him and struck the pole which caused it to strike him across the   
spleen. After this he saddled his horse and returned to the house, and,      
while sitting there talking, he complained of his side and wanted to lie     
down, but before he reached the room, he fainted and fell to the piazza      
floor. He recovered once only to tell the story of the horse kicking him     
over the spleen, and then he died, just thirty minutes after the accident.   
Both these gentlemen were industrious farmers and good citizens, and we feel 
very sorry to lose them so suddenly.                                         
                                J.F. Louis                                   
Wolf Creek, June 26.                                                         
Southern Standard, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, July 2, 1881.                      
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