Abner E. Thornton vs. Nancy E. Jacbos et. al.

Motion for Guardian

                    Clark Circuit Court April Term 1839                      
                       Abner E. Thornton, Complainant                        
Nancy Jacobs, Wingfield Jacobs, Margaret Jacobs, Nancy Jacobs and John       
Jacobs, Defendants.                                                          
This day came the complainant by his solicitor and it being suggested to the 
Court that the last mentioned defendants to wit: Wingfield Jacobs, John      
Jacobs and Margaret Jacobs and Nancy Jacobs are infants under the age of     
twenty one years. Therefore on motion of the Complainant it is ordered by    
the Court that James S. Ward be and is hereby appointed Guardian ad litem of 
the said Wingfield Jacobs, John Jacobs, Margaret Jacobs and Nancy Jacobs and 
that he defend for them in this cause. And on motion of said Complainant is  
ordered that an alias summons issue in this cause against the above named    
Wingfield Jacobs and John Jacobs defendants in this cause, directed to the   
Sheriff of Hempstead County returnable to the next Term of this Court until  
which time this cause continued.                                             
Clark County, Arkansas Circuit Court Book E, 1838-1842, pages 51-52.         
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